Integrating Ecology at the Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility

Environmental stewardship is a core principle at the Gloucestershire Energy from Waste (EfW) Facility. Our commitment extends beyond converting waste into energy; we actively engage in enhancing local biodiversity through dedicated efforts and initiatives.

Wildlife Area Development

We have developed a wildlife area at the Facility using flora native to the surrounding countryside. This deliberate choice ensures that the plant species are well-suited to the local environment, promoting healthy growth and sustainability. Additionally, we have constructed various wildlife habitats within and around the functional parts of the facility, including the installation of bird, bat, and hedgehog boxes along the site's boundaries. To support insect life and other small creatures, we have integrated insect-friendly environments such as filled gabions that serve as large bug houses. These reclamation gabions, along with our four on-site ponds, provide shelter and resources for local wildlife, fostering biodiversity and creating a harmonious coexistence between our operations and the natural surroundings. The ponds also serve a dual purpose by enhancing biodiversity and safeguard against potential flooding onsite.

Our ecological appraisal, conducted by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust in 2022, provides detailed information on the species present at the site and offers recommendations for enhancing local biodiversity. The appraisal included a Phase 1 Habitat Survey and Protected Species Survey, identifying various habitats and species such as badgers, bats, birds, and hedgehogs. The appraisal also outlined specific ecological enhancements, such as planting fruit trees that will produce seeds and nuts to attract wildlife, creating log piles and hibernacula for amphibians and reptiles, and maintaining unmown grass patches to support invertebrates and small mammals. We have already delivered many of the recommendations outlined in the report and remain committed to implementing any outstanding suggestions over the next few years.

Compliance and Environmental Responsibility

Operating in compliance with the granted planning permission is a core tenet of our environmental responsibility. This includes adhering to stringent requirements for environmental and landscaping assessments. These assessments, detailed in the Design and Access Statement which accompanied the original planning application, highlight our commitment to maintaining and protecting the natural area surrounding the facility. The Design and Access Statement is available for public review on Gloucestershire County Council’s website, providing transparency and insight into our environmental commitments (click here to view the document).

Ongoing Maintenance and Protection

Maintaining and protecting the wildlife area is an ongoing endeavour at the Gloucestershire EfW Facility. We are dedicated to ensuring that the habitats and flora continue to thrive, following the guidelines outlined in the planning permission. Regular monitoring and maintenance activities are conducted to preserve the ecological balance and support the diverse species that inhabit the area.

In Conclusion

Our approach at the Gloucestershire EfW Facility highlights how industrial operations can incorporate ecological considerations. By developing a large wildlife area and adhering to environmental guidelines, we support local biodiversity and set a standard for sustainable practices in the industry.